album review by york calling

The album hasn’t officially been released yet, but it is making its rounds in the album reviewer world. It was really exciting to see the first review come through today from York Calling out of York, UK.

In Graeme Smith’s words:

Its sense of intimacy is instantly inviting, and I was keen to delve deeper.”

“You Don’t Seem To Mind is a soft, acoustic moment, with Nate’s vocals simply accompanied by plucked guitar. It’s a beautifully vulnerable highlight.”

Leaving Lies is a wistful and storytelling number that invites us along on an emotional and healing journey. It’s another highlight.”

“Into Afterward is an airy acoustic track infused with a sense of despairing longing before Gradually closes the album with a gentle reflection that finds some reluctant hope. The pair of tracks prove a final, relatable highlight.”

“Nate Logston is a musician who sings and writes from the heart. His music is rich with authentic emotion and clever storytelling. I’m glad to have discovered it.”

Read Graeme Smith’s review of Marriages & Divorces on York Calling.


Buy Marriages & Divorces in MP3 format now


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album review by buffablog
